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Thursday 7 February 2013

Man's inhumaness to man.

A society is a conglomeration of individuals who co-exist within a geographical location to stand a chance of surviving. The definition given above above can still be altered on the basis of what the internet and communication technology has done, it has turned the world to a global village whereby there is no physical contact amongst friends made on social networks, but there is a relationship in existence thence the possibility of saying that there is a  society which transcends a particular geographical territory or location. For the basis of the discussion being held on this platform, there former definition would be the basis for analysis.
Individuals need each other to survive, humans are likened to social animals simply because, apart from the basic physiological needs as pointed out by Abraham Maslow in his hierarchy of needs where he posited them as fundamental or basic needs of man, social interaction is on the third level of his table. Man is born to relate with each other, the relationship has both side of the coin, which is the positive form of relationship which can be considered friendly and the negative which is conflictual and hostile. It should be noted that not all conflictual relationships are negative because some help to improve the situation of things, as stated by Lewis Coser, some conflicts help to improve relationships.
The basis of discussion here is the need to understand that the friendly form of social interaction within the society is what gives man hope. Each time i walk on the streets in the city in which i live , there is a high presence of hostility amongst the people. People would bump into you and see it as normal! they would step on your feet and go their way without bothering to apologize, even when you look back and try to call the attention of such persons what you get is a hostile look of what is the big deal in what i have done? When i drive, everyone feels as though he is a better driver and anyone less than him should be condemned, there is always refusal to grant fellow road users right of way, there is a haulage of insult for careful drivers, you will hear phrases like are you crazy?, who gave you that car! all sorts of dehumanizing statements are used among people who do not have any form of prior interaction.
I see people behave as though the world is all about hostility and selfishness and this makes me to ponder on the assertions made by the English philosopher, Thomas Hobbes about the state of nature which he characterize as solitary, nasty, brutish, short and nasty. Is the human race going back to that abstract world described by this scholar? This way of life which is the predominant form being witnessed now is the reason why there is so much crises and war in the world, the analysis has to start at the basis or unit... which is the social interaction between men! For man to survive, he needs his fellow man!