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A site for Happiness

Thursday 24 July 2014


Any candidate who considers him or herself fit enough or qualified to hold any public office must have ample evidence of being successful in a chosen career part or as an entrepreneur. Before a man can lead millions, he should have led thousands, before a man leads thousands, he should have led hundreds, and before he leads hundreds he should lead tens and must have been seen to have leadership qualities with his handling of the small teams he has encountered.
The work place gives an individual the experience needed to build and sustain relationships. Performances are rewarded with an elevation which comes with more responsibilities and emoluments. The elevation which could translate into the supervision and management, of an increased number of personnel and resources, some people would say, not necessary so in public sector, then one could consider encouraging individuals who have succeeded in the private sector because of the fact that this sector is predominantly profit oriented and there is competition which leads to an improved service delivery. Basically, staffs in the private sector would always seek to better their capacity knowing well that there are capable hands jostling for their position in a given company.
Emotional Intelligence is one of the hallmarks of a good leader of a team. What this means is that, the leader understands the psychological and sociological state of his team members, he deals with them armed with this knowledge to get the best out of them for the success of the team. He is able to discover the talents and areas of strength of his team members, cultivates these areas, and encourages them to channel their energy in these areas.
A political candidate who successfully climbed to the top of his career ladder must have spent an average of 20 years learning, re-learning building every aspects of his life. He understands the differences in individuals and how to deal uniquely with them. He is able to judiciously manage resources because waste is not condoned in the private sector. Ability to use the least resource to get the most result is valuable asset which can only be acquired through years of managerial duties at different levels and climes.
Strategic decision making is always going to be needed at a certain level of company leadership structure. For any individual to be excellent at this level, he/she must be a person of vision. He must have the ability to think out of the box, capacity to see into the future and given positive prognosis of the establishment that he works for.
Think again before you cast your vote, what has he really achieved? Did he really build his wealth through hard work and perseverance? Don’t think of today, rather think of the future of your children and generations to come! Think of someone who would not mismanage, embezzle, siphon and steal public funds! Someone who has worked for every penny of his life should be our representative!


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